
I wanted to start with a good foundation of information for anyone who might not know about wine or Northern Michigan wineries.
I wanted to create a newsletter that could be featured at my parents winery. Using Indesign I was able to make two parent pages with the basic layout. From there I started overlaying vines and grapes while adding a title and article to each page.
The hardest part came when I want to add photos into the text. By using the pen tool and the direct selection tool, I was able to add new points and create custom paths around the images to have the text wrap around.
I also had to adjust small details for each page. By using command + shift I was able to edit the overall design, without having the parent pages overrule the adjustments. I also wanted to add in a little texture by having a wood background for everything to lay on. Not only to connect more to the overall theme of the vineyard but also be a little more interesting to the eye as opposed to a plain background.
I then wanted to show what a year looks like. Twelve months, four seasons, lots of hard work. The three paragraphs divided up the year into the busy times and explain each in detail.
Being as I wrote all the articles and had the information, I wanted to highlight the background of how it all started. Highlighting my two great-grandmas and my grandpa was easy, finding photos of all of them proved to be much harder and was probably the most difficult aspect of the project.
It was important to me to have something at the end to wrap everything together and get the overall gist of what this family winery is to us. Including a photo of all the family thus far that has been there through the process as well as a small paragraph, written by my cousin, had to be showcased in order to highlight how much the winery means to each person involved. As well as give one last sentimental moment to end the newsletter.
In the final submission, there were minor details changed and adjusted to help with the overall flow and look of the piece.
Making the gaps even between text and pictures, bringing elements in front of others so there was a cohesive look to each page. Overall it was refining what was already on the page to make it the most user friendly and inviting newsletter it could be.
I am very proud of the overall result and hope to use it in the winery as a nice little introduction to the world of wine, and the history of Spare Key Winery.

For an upcoming business investment meeting I wanted to create an infographic to show not only overall growth of the vineyard, but sales and production increase as well.
For this I first had to come up with the overall basic design. This involved making three different layouts until I settled on an aerial style background to highlight growth of the vineyard.
I then had to look through our files to find the data and create graphs using our spreadsheets in Excel. I then played around with colors and deleted the background before adding them into Indesign.
The hardest part came with creating open paths and manipulating the boxes to custom shapes in order to create the intended design.
I made a few small corrections of spacing and sizing to make the overall graphic the most pleasing to the eye it could be.